Who is Who in Czech Structural Biology


Research focus

Balíková-Novotná Gabriela Natural Substances: Structure and Function
Bařinka Cyril Molecular Interactions of Anti-Cancer Drugs
Bouřa Evžen Structural Targeting of PI4 Kinases
Bryja Vítězslav Wnt signaling and non-canonical Wnt pathway
Brynda Jiří Protein Crystallography
Curtis Edward DNA and RNA
Černý Jiří Structural Bioinformatics of Proteins
Charnavets Tatsiana Biophysical Techniqes
Damborský Jiří Protein engineering
Demo Gabriel Structural Biology of Coupled Transcription-Translation
Dohnálek Jan Stucture and Function of Biomolecules
Ettrich Rüdiger Structure and Function of Proteins
Fiala Radovan Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy
Fuertes Vives Gustavo Structural dynamics of photoreceptors
Havlíček Vladimír Structural Mass Spectrometry
Houser Josef Biophysics, Crystallography and Glycobiochemistry
Hrabal Richard High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy and its Application in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Konvalinka Jan Proteases of Human Pathogens
Krásný Libor Microbial Genetics and Gene Expression
Krejčí Lumír Recombination and DNA Repair
Kutá Smatanová Ivana
Crystallogenesis and Biomolecular Crystallography
Lánský Zdeněk Structural Proteins and their Complexes
Ludwig Jost Functional Analysis of Ion Channels and Transporters
Lukavsky Peter J. RNA based regulation of Gene Expression
Maloy Řezáčová Pavlína Structural Biology
Malý Petr Research and Development of High-Affinity Binding Proteins
Marek Jaromír X-ray Crystallography
Marek Radek Structure of Biosystem and Molecular Materials
Martásek Pavel
Structural-functional determinants of heme synthesis and degradation
Nováček Jiří Cryo-electrom Microscopy and Tomography
Novák Petr Structural Proteomics
Obšil Tomáš Biophysical Chemistry of Protein Complexes
Obšilová Veronika Structural Biology of Signaling Proteins
Pavlíček Jiří X-ray Crystallography
Pichová Iva Pathogenic Proteins
Plevka Pavel Structural Virology
Pompach Petr Structural Mass Spectrometry
Přibyl Jan Nanobiotechnology
Rozbesky Daniel  Structural Biology of Signalling Molecules and Cell Surface Receptors
Ruml Tomáš Molecular Biology and Virology
Rumlová Michaela Molecular Biology and Virology
Schneider Bohdan Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids and Protein Engineering
Skládal Petr Nanobiotechnology
Sklenář Vladimír Biomolecular NMR
Stránský Jan X-ray Crystallography
Stříšovský Kvido Intramembrane Proteolysis and Biological Regulation
Šebela Marek Protemics and Protein Biochemistry
Šebo Peter Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogens
Šponer Jiří Structure and Dynamics of Nucleci Acids
Štefl Richard Structural Biology of Gene Regulation
Trantírek Lukáš Non-coding Genome
Tripsianes Konstantinos Protein-DNA Interactions
Tůma Roman Mechanisms and Dynamics of Macromolecular Complexes
Vácha Robert Interaction Protein-Protein and Protein-Membrane
Vaněk Ondřej Structural Biology of Natural Killer Cell Receptors
Veverka Václav Protein NMR
Wimmerová Michaela Glycobiochemistry
Zdráhal Zbyněk Mass Spectrometry
Zoll Sebastian Structural Parasitology
Žídek Lukáš Protein Structure and Dynamics

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