We are pleased to announce the 10th Annual CCP-EM Spring Symposium! The conference aims to provide a forum to highlight state-of-the-art developments in computational cryoEM and related themes, as well as showcasing outstanding recent biological applications. We aim to promote an inclusive, friendly atmosphere, welcoming those both old and new to the community. Topics include instrument technology, sample preparation, image processing, single particle reconstruction, tomography and model building.
The meeting also includes the Diamond Light Source Biological Cryo-Imaging User Meeting for eBIC & B24 and associated satellite meetings for correlative microscopy (eBIC), soft X-ray tomography (B24) & automated live processing for SPA and cryoET (eBIC).
The conference will be held as a hybrid meeting, with the physical event at the EMCC in Nottingham, plus virtual access online via Zoom. It is kindly sponsored by CryoSol, Dectris, Quantum Detectors, Nanosoft, SubAngstrom and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
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