IBSBC2024 Abstract Submission
The deadline to submit abstracts for the Biennial Conference is 15 March. An abstract must be submitted to present a scientific poster, and selected abstracts will be chosen to give a presentation in the main plenary session. You must register for the conference to submit an abstract.
Submit abstract here – https://instruct-eric.org/submit-call/instruct-eric-biennial-2024---abstract-submission
New Instruct Member – Germany
Following the fantastic news that Germany has joined Instruct-ERIC as the 17th Member, we please request that you share this news with your networks. The press release is below, feel free to add this to your facility website, or post on social media! https://instruct-eric.org/news/germany-joins-instruct-eric-as-a-member-/
Internship and R&D Calls
The Instruct Internship Call and R&D Calls are closing soon – make sure you submit applications before the deadlines.
Internship Call: 28 March - https://instruct-eric.org/submit-call/15th-instruct-eric-internship-call
Pilot R&D Call: 15 March - https://instruct-eric.org/submit-call/instruct-eric-pilot-rd-project-call-2024
TechDev Call: 15 March - https://instruct-eric.org/submit-call/new-instruct-eric-technology-development-call-2024-techdev
OSCARS Open Call
OSCARS open call for pilot projects (FAIR data, workflow management) launching 15th March.
Online meeting Friday, 15th March, 2024, from 10:00 am CET to 12:30 pm CET with an introduction of the call and an interactive Q&A session (browse the agenda here).
To join the meeting use this Zoom link: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/66232332635