Make sure you are up to date with the latest integrated structural biology events, conferences, and training courses taking place in the coming months. Find out more about each event below, or take a look at the full list here.
Course on Protein Quality Control - Robotein®
The Robotein® facility at the University of Liège, part of Instruct-BE, is organising the Course on Protein Quality Control 28-31 May 2024. The course is aimed at scientists currently using or intending to use purified proteins in their laboratory experiments, to improve familiarity with a variety of techniques applicable to purified proteins. Register before 15 March here.
11th RéNaFoBiS Oléron Workshop
Organised by IGBMC of Instruct-FR1, the workshop takes place 30 May to 7 June. It aims to offer a theoretical and practical training in the different techniques used in integrative structural biology – all of which are available through Instruct-ERIC! Register before 3 March here.
ComulisGlobe Correlative Multimodal Imaging Workshop
Co-organised by the RI_Hubs project, the workshop will take place 21st-22nd March 2024, in Genoa, Italy. The workshop will include lectures on Light microscopy, Electron microscopy and Atomic Force microscopy, as well as laboratory demonstrations on various microscopy modalities. A session on correlation of images will also be included. Register here.
I2PC Course on Single Particle Analysis by Cryo-EM
The course, organised by I2PC at CNB-CSIC in Madrid, aims to provide a comprehensive overview of image processing in single-particle analysis (SPA). The course will take place 22-24 March, with a deadline to register of 16 February.
iNEXT-Discovery Final Consortium Meeting and 4th Symposium in Cryo-EM
Two joint scientific conferences – The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting (10th–12th June 2024) and the 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM (12th–13th June 2024) – will be hosted by CEITEC Masaryk University, Brno. Registration is open here.
Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference 2024
The leading integrated structural biology conference will see more than 20 speakers provide expert insight on the latest developments and work in structural biology. Taking place 23-24 May in Cascais, Portugal, the 6th Biennial Conference has a registration deadline of 31 March.