XV. Discussions in Structural Molecular Biology and the 2nd User Meeting of the Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology

10 May 2018

In March, 2018, the Czech and Slovak community of structural biologists met at the "XV. Discussions in Structural Molecular Biology". This year, the traditional conference was coupled with the 2nd Users Meeting of the Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology (http://www.structbio.org/program-xv-discussions). The conference took place at the venue of the Academic conference centre in Nové Hrady, South Bohemia between Thursday afternoon and Saturday lunch on March 22 - 24 2018.

The program has been very intensive. About 130 participants listened to over thirty talks delivered mostly by young investigators or students and during the poster sessions, 60 posters were displayed and discussed. Two sessions were specifically devoted to the 2nd User meeting of the Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Biology, CIISB, and one to General Assembly of the Czech Society for Structural Biology. Abstracts of all presentations can be found at http://www.xray.cz/setkani/abst2018/abstracts.htm.

At the end of the conference, three prizes were awarded for the best student posters, and three for the best student talks. The next XVI. Discussions are planned for mid-March 2019 again in Nové Hrady. For details see the web page structbio.org or contact the main organizer Jan Dohnálek at dohnalek007@gmail.com.

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