Upgrade of the workflow for cryo-electron tomography and microscopy

8 Jul 2020

The CIISB Cryo-electron microscopy core facility at CEITEC Masaryk University is expanding its services in the sample preparation for electron microscopy. The facility has recently acquired high-pressure freezer Leica EM ICE for vitrification of bulky biological specimen (up to 200 mm thickness). In addition, the freeze-substitution unit Leica EM AFS2 for resin embedding of the high-pressure frozen samples and the ultramicrotom Leica EM UC7 with the adapter for cryo-ultramicrotomy were purchased in order to provide the facility users with the complete workflow for preparation of thin section samples for both room-temperature electron microscopy and cryo-electron microscopy.

 The purchase of the instrument was financed by MEYS CR from the Operational Programme: Research, Development and Education, the project „CIISB UP“ (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0015974).

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