The 5th Workshop of Structural Biology in the Helmholtz Association will occur December 17 - 18 2019 at the DKFZ in Heidelberg.
The workshop brings together researchers from various Helmholtz Centers and Research Fields (DESY, DKFZ, DZNE, FZJ, HMGU, HZB, HZI, KIT, MDC) of the Helmholtz Association and collaborating institutions to present and exchange current structural biology research in understanding structural mechanisms in biology and biomedicine.
You can find the following information on our website (
Please register using the link
Deadline for registration: 29th Nov 2019
Abstract submission:
The call for abstracts is open on the website. If you do not have an Indico account, please create one.
Please indicate whether you would like to contribute an oral talk or poster.
Abstract submission deadline for the talks: 15th September 2019.
Abstract submission deadline for the poster: 29th November 2019.
We placed a list of hotels at the bottom of the webpage.
Please book your hotel ASAP as they are already filling up due to the Christmas season.
In case of questions feel free to ask here