Save the dates: PSB Symposium "Frontiers in Bioimaging", 1-2 July 2021

6 Apr 2021

The Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB), an alliance of research institutes (EMBL, ESRF, IBS and ILL) located in Grenoble, France, is pleased to announce that the PSB Symposium "Frontiers in Bioimaging" will take place on 1-2 July 2021. Registration and programme will be released soon, but you can already check out the exciting collection of invited speakers on:

The aim and scope of this meeting is to highlight progress in 3D imaging research that bridges the gap between the atomic and cellular scales, with spatial resolutions spanning from subnanometer to submicrometer range. Featured topics will include: cryo-electron tomography, X-ray tomography, volume electron microscopy, image analysis, super-resolution microscopy, and correlative approaches. The applications of the above methods to address essential questions in life sciences is of particular interest.

The meeting will be held remotely over two afternoons, and will include a series of selected talks, interactive virtual posters, and interactive virtual lounges.

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