Plasma-FIB/SEM microscope for life-science applications installed at CEITEC

6 May 2023

Helios Hydra V (ThermoScientific) comprises immersion SEM column for high-resolution SEM imaging and a four gas (Xe,Ar,O,N) plasma-FIB for efficient material ablation.
The available services will focus on the targeted lamella preparation using correlative light-electron microscopy and other correlative studies thanks to the wide-field fluorescence microscope integrated to the SEM chamber. In addition, Helios Hydra is available for FIB/SEM volume imaging under cryo- and room-temperatures conditions to support research focusing on ultrastructural analysis of the whole cells and tissue regions.

Correlative cryo-SEM and cryo-FM imaging of the pancreatic INS-1E cells (right). The cellular membrane (red) and mitochodria (green) were labeled dyes for live cell imaging. The data were collected using  Helios Hydra V (left) equipped with the integrated flourescence microscope.

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