The Registration for the “Instruct virtual course on Single Particle Analysis by CryoE. Madrid, December 14 – 18, 2020” is now open:
The aim of the course is to give an overall overview of the whole process of single particle analysis (SPA) starting from sample preparation, image acquisition at the microscope, image processing and atomic modelling. The I2PC has a long tradition of organizing courses of image processing and atomic modelling, with Instruct courses that have been heavily oversubscribed and had to be repeated twice in the same year to be able to attend its demand. In this edition of the course we have included the sample preparation and image acquisition part, which will be done in the recently established high-end CryoEM facility at the CNB, which incorporates a Thermofisher Talos Arctica (200kV) and JEOL CryoARM 300 (300 kV). The CNB CryoEM facility is in the process of being incorporated into the offer of the Instruct catalogue. For this reason, we have extended our traditional 3 days course into a 5 days course that includes sample preparation and image acquisition.
For logistic reasons and travelling restrictions, the whole course will be given online. An additional benefit of this circumstance is that the course can be recorded and stay as a permanent course in Instruct. Although the course is online we will try to keep the interactions with attendees. For this reason, we will limit the maximum number of attendees to 20.
The course is aimed at researchers of all levels wanting to adopt electron microscopy as one of the tools at their disposal for elucidating biological structures.