Centre Forum Technology Session
This is a reminder to register for the Instruct Centre Forum. This is an opportunity to interact with other members of the consortium, discuss operations with the Instruct Hub, and learn about the latest technologies in the catalogue. Please submit your suggestions for the “Presentation of New Technologies” session to john@instruct-eric.org.
R&D Call Extended Deadline
The Instruct Pilot R&D Call deadline has been extended until 15 April. This call is open to early career researchers, offering €15,000 for an R&D project, and is open to all topics within integrated structural biology. Find out more and apply here.
International Collaborations
Instruct will soon be opening an international call, which will be open to researchers at institutions that hold an MOU with Instruct, or who are planning to in the next 12 months. We would like to know if your facility has any partnerships or MOU with international partners, which could sign an MOU with Instruct in order to be eligible for access – please submit suggestions to john@instruct-eric.org.
Advanced Isotopic Labelling Methods for NMR – IBS Grenoble
The Instruct-ERIC training course from IBS Grenoble, Instruct-FR2 is taking place 21-27 May, taking attendees through both practical and theoretical training in state-of-the-art isotopic-labelling approaches for NMR studies. The deadline for abstract submission is 1 April – find out more and register here.
15th Internship Call
The latest Instruct internship call is open. Early career researchers (PhD students, and early-stage postdoctoral fellows) are welcome to apply to study a new technology in a new facility in a new country for 3-6 months, learning from integrated structural biology experts at Instruct facilities. Find out more and apply here by 28 March.