Enhanced SAXS Instrumentation: MetalJet D2+ Upgrade Boosts Performance and Beam Intensity

10 Dec 2024

In CF Diffraction Techniques, we have successfully upgraded the X-ray source of the SAXS instrument. The upgrade of MetalJet C2 to D2+ brought more than double intensity of the primary beam. The instrument enables rapid standard SAXS measurements with a low volume autosampler, SEC-SAXS experiments or special applications, now with substantially improved signal to noise ratio.

For more information on the instrument details, terms of usage and reservations, check the CF website (https://www.ibt.cas.cz/en/core-facilities/centre-of-molecular-structure/) or contact the CF staff directly. Instrument was purchased thanks to the "Innovation of Czech Infrastructure for Integrative Structural Biology" grant, funded by the OP JAK for Research Infrastructures I.

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