The canSERV First Open Call has finally launched! Unlike the previous call in canSERV, this call does not have a pre-defined topic and is open to all projects related to cancer research. Researchers can apply for funded, transnational access (TNA) to services and technologies, from basic research to clinical trials (detailed information in the call text). The call will be open until the 4th January 2024, 14 CET.
Services of interest for structural biologists
The canSERV project offers a huge service catalogue (400+ services) which is divided in different Service Fields. All Instruct services are listed in "Field 2: Advanced technologies for Personalised Oncology". Please find a list of all Instruct services in the catalogue here.
Who can apply?
Researchers from all countries, academic and industry (SME), are eligible to apply.
Exemptions of the TNA requirement
In the call text, it is stated that all access must be transnational. However, there is an exception for services offered through ERICs which are defined as international organisations. Therefore, users interested in Instruct services can apply for both national and transnational access.
Fast-track applications
Due to the nature of the topic and broad range of services (some requiring Ethical approval), the application form and evaluation procedure is more complex compared to the Instruct Access Route. Thus, the review process may take up to 14 weeks, based on the complexity of the services requested.
However, shorter projects (e.g. up to 3 requested services) may qualify to go through fast-track evaluation. These projects may be approved as early as 4 weeks after submission.