The Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography Meeting (short HEC-Meeting) is an annual academic conference on structural biology, in particular protein crystallography. Researchers from universities, other research institutions and industry from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany and Poland meet to present and discuss current topics of their research.
The 24th Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography meeting will take place on the South of Bohemia on the bank of Lipno Lake and near to Sumava mountains in the Hotel Resort Relax at Dolni Vltavice (
The HEC24 will be organized by the group of Ivana Kuta Smatanova from the Faculty of Sciences University of South Bohemia Ceske Budejovice. It is a great honour to welcome Kay Diederichs, a professor of Molecular Bioinformatics at the Department of Biology, University of Konstanz to give a HEC24 plenary lecture that will explain the concepts behind X-ray data quality indicators, which are still not appreciated by many practicing crystallographers.
The conference will be held on 22-24 September 2022.
More information here.