POSTPONED: Spring Workshop on BioAFM Microscopy

  • 6 – 8 April 2020
    University Campus Kamenice 5

The Workshop is postponed. We will inform you about the new date later.

The goal of this event is to bring together not only AFM researchers from bio field, but also other bio researchers and provide them an environment for fruitful networking and new possibilities in collaborations as well as enhance their knowledge in their field of research. You will see possibilities in combination of AFM with advanced microscopic methods and you will have an opportunity to share your research result via presentation in front of your colleagues.


  • AFM Basics, AFM Spectroscopy, Optical Tweezer, Advanced Fluorescence, BioIndentation
  • AFM microscopy + other techniques Raman microscopy, Advanced optical microscopy (confocal, FLIM, polarization microscopy), MEA electrochemistry
  • AFM for characterization of samples nano-objects (nanoparticles), biomolecules (proteins, DNA), living cells
  • AFM gives you more - topography, mechanical properties, adhesion, nano-manipulation and nano-injection
  • Advanced AFM modes - Force Mapping, PF QNM, QI
  • AFM user stories, Labs presentations


  • Bruker Dimension FastScan
  • JPK NanoWizard3 and 4
  • CytoSurge Nanoinjection system (Fluid FM)
  • Bruker Icon + Renishaw Invia Raman Microscope
  • Bioindentor BioSoft


To register and find more information follow this link.

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