Lecture: Taxonomy of errors and mistakes in X-ray crystallography

  • 12 November 2018
    10:00 AM
  • FJFI ČVUT, Břehová 7, Praha 1
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering 
Czech Society for Structural Biology

Would like to invite you to the lecture of 

prof. Kay Diederichs, University of Konstanz


Profesor Diederichs is the main author of the X-ray diffraction processing program XDS, nowadays widely used for reduction of data.

Crystallography lets us visualize the molecules of life - more than 130.000 structures in the PDB attest to that. But all that glitters is not gold. Some of the concepts developed decades ago now need revision.

For example, analysis of crystallographic data quality is still somewhat fixated on values of Rmerge (also called Rsym), and the distinction between accuracy and precision, as well as indicators of unmerged data precision and those of merged data precision is only now starting to be accepted in the community.

When: Monday 12.11.2018, 10:00

Where: FJFI ČVUT, Břehová 7, Praha 1, Atrium 

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