Instruct-ERIC Best Practices in Cryo-EM Workshop

  • 12 – 13 October 2020
  • online

The next meeting in the ‘Best practices in Cryo-EM’ series, the first in the series to be hosted online, will take place on October 12-13, 2020.

The workshop is intended to allow those involved in the running of high-end cryo-EM facilities to discuss and share best practice, and is open to EM facility scientists, manager and computing specialists both from academia and industry. Sessions will include presentations on best practice in sample preparation, imaging and data handling/processing, operational models in light of COVID-19, as well as round table discussions focused on specific topics. A full program is to follow, but in the meantime if you have any suggestions for topics of discussion, please contact Rebecca Thompson via this link. The main sessions consisting of presentations will be open to all participants. To facilitate constructive discussion, round table discussions will be limited in participation number, but recordings of the sessions will be made available after the virtual conference. Please indicate your interest in round table discussion when registering for the conference. Registration will open at the end of August.

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