How to characterize your sample and check its quality: Handbook for life-scientist
23 – 25 May 2018
- Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno
The main topic of the 3-days workshop will be characterisation of sample - from thermal stability to its oligomeric state. Workshop will also focus on sample quality and available techniques to check it out. The workshop will consist of general lectures and practicals focused on selected techniques - light scattering, differential scanning fluorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, circular dichroism and analytical ultracentrifugation.
Type of event: Workshop
Core facility: Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallization
Partner: CEITEC
Assessment report after workshop
The first event in 2018 was dedicated to characterization of samples with special focus on the quality of the samples. The 3-day workshop consisted of 1 day of lectures given by 5 different speakers – chosen experts in their field of expertise– and 2 days of practicals which were tutored by CF BIC staff. The lectures attended 37 participants (for lectures) and 17 participants attended the whole workshop (lectures + practicals). During the practical part various techniques were shown/measured – AUC, CD, DLS, DSF and DSC. The main reason for organizing of workshop focusing on sample quality is current crises in science - very bad reproducibility of published results, waste of money on high-end technique due to bad quality of samples and very low knowledge about studied samples. The workshop was organized with the support of INTERREG project and CIISB project.
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