BioSAXS practical course 2017
27 September 2017
- CEITEC MU, Building A35, Room 211
Data acquisition with BioSAXS-1000, ab initio and rigid body modeling in SAXS data analysis.
Type of event: Workshop
Core facility: X-Ray Diffraction and Bio-SAXS
Partner: CEITEC
Confirmed speakers:
- Alejandro Panjkovich (EMBL Hamburg)
- Cy Jeffries ( EMBL Hamburg)
- Gustavo Fuertes Vives (Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i.)
- Tomáš Klumpler (CEITEC MU)
Short and clear overview of SAXS theory, practical aspects and strategies for SAXS modeling will be introduced by experts from EMBL, BIOCEV and CEITEC. Attendees will measure their own datasets and perform data analysis during PC sessions. At the end of a day, attendees even with little or no previous experience should understand SAXS Table 1, meaning of SAXS based models and beauty and limitations of SAXS method for analysis of biological macromolecules in solution.
Preliminary programme is available HERE.
Register at: Registration deadline is September 17, 2017.
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